Our apprentices: 3 months on
Three months ago, the Kenobi Technology solutions family grew by two, as apprentices joined the team for the first time. If starting your first ever full-time job isn’t daunting enough, try starting during a global pandemic with circumstances changing all the time....
Will your employees be working from home in 2021?
In March, we were asked to ‘work from home’ if possible. With the future of reopening seeming unclear at the time, many viewed the ‘Working From Home’ (WFH) situation as temporary. Some employees took tech from their office whilst others ‘made do’ with what they had...
Black Friday – for us, it’s just another Friday
It’s Black Friday this week, and we bet your inbox is already stuffed full of brands and businesses luring you in with money off. We can’t deny that there are some steals, but why limit securing a bargain to once a year? At Kenobi, every Friday is Black Friday. In...
Kenobi gives back!
Just before the start of the season, we were lucky enough to win a competition to become OAFC’s back of shirt sponsor. As part of our winnings, we were given a season ticket. We decided that we would give the ticket to one lucky OAFC fan, along with an OAFC shirt and...